Industry's leading publication? Sales training may be needed...

Contact by industry leading food publication

When I receive a bulk email promoting something, I'm always distinctly unimpressed to find the bits that have been changed to make me feel special in another colour!

So when this leading publication contacted me by email to state that they had chosen our website  to feature in a forthcoming edition, it may have benefitted the sales team to ensure that the email was in a uniform colour and perhaps that they had even checked our website - which is due for replacement soon and certainly not yet worthy of a feature in the industry's leading publication.

Now I'm not averse to contact by anyone trying to win business - but I do like to see a highly professional effort if the effort is there at all. Imagine the response to a CV and cover letter:

"Dear Mr Heath,

I'm writing to you to express interest in your advertised position of Sales Director.

I believe that Meridian Speciality Packaging shares my ambition to succeed in a competitive market and I would like the opportunity to meet with you to discuss the role and what I feel I can offer.

I have enclosed a copy of my CV which shows relevant experience in food and confectionery packaging.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Bulk Email Generator #354"


Come on - a degree of professional courtesy and effort would be appreciated regardless of the method of communication...



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